Find Your Flow Membership

Does this sound like you? 

  • You struggle with mood swings and anxiety during your menstrual cycle.
  • You feel out of sync with yourself and your body and want to learn how to work with your natural ebbs and flows.
  • You want to optimize your productivity and energy levels and stop feeling frustrated and overwhelmed.
  • You feel disconnected from your body and feminine energy and want to reclaim your power and alignment.
  • You are interested in learning more about cycle syncing and how it can benefit your physical, emotional and mental health.
  • You want to be part of a supportive community of women.
  • You are ready to invest time and energy into your personal growth and well-being.

If this resonates, my cycle syncing membership Find Your Flow was made for you.

What is cycle syncing? 

  • Gain a deeper understanding of your own body and menstrual cycle.
  • Discover practical tools and strategies to manage mood swings, anxiety and other symptoms of PMS or hormonal imbalances.
  • Develop a stronger connection to your body and feminine energy.
  • Join a supportive community of like-minded women and receive guidance and feedback from a knowledgeable coach.
  • Improve your relationships with others by cultivating a deeper sense of self-awareness, self-love and self-acceptance.
  • Achieve greater balance, harmony and fulfillment in all areas of your life, from your career and finances to your relationships, spirituality and personal growth

What’s included in the Find Your Flow membership?

The program includes:

  • Access to a course on cycle syncing, made up of bite-sized 15-20 minute videos that you can watch and rewatch at your convenience
  • 1-2 live group calls per month (recorded for replay)
  • An exclusive Telegram group membership where you can connect with like-minded women and receive my support and guidance
  • Additional resources added to the platform every month.

What is the investment? 

Investing in yourself and your health is always worth it, which is why Find Your Flow is priced at $55 per month. You deserve to live a life that feels aligned with your body and your goals.

If you’re ready to find your flow and live in alignment with your body

Click here to subscribe now!


Have a burning question for us? Just DM @iammelirodriguez on Instagram or email!


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